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What Is Turn Signal Flasher and How It Works?

What Is Turn Signal Flasher and How It Works?

2024-04-18 16:45:23
Have you ever been driving and noticed the sound of a car's turn signal? That clicking noise is made by a small device called the turn signal flasher. It is an essential part of any vehicle, but most drivers don't know much about it.
The turn signal flasher is a small electronic device that controls the flashing rate of your car's turn signals. When you activate your car's blinkers, the flasher turns on and sends electricity to each side of the light in order for them to flash at regular intervals.
This article will explain what a turn signal flasher is, how it works, and related information you should know about it.
What is Turn Signal Flasher?
Turn signal indicators, better known as blinkers or flashers, are essential safety devices on cars. Drivers use them to transmit their actions and intentions to fellow drivers and pedestrians around them; they work both as turn signals and warning lights.
Earlier vehicle models typically used thermal flashers for this purpose, while more modern ones employ solid-state versions instead. In any case, it's clear that these small devices play an immense role in keeping us safe on the roads.
Where Is the Turn Signal Relay Located?
To easily locate your turn signal relay, look for it in the junction box, among other relays. For convenience, some car manufacturers even label their respective relays on the fuse box cover. Remember that this will differ depending on which vehicle you are driving, so make sure to check your car's manual first.
How Does Turn Signal Flasher Work?
There is a difference in every type of turn signal flasher, so we'll explain the working of every type here:
Mechanical Turn Signal Flasher Working
Ever questioned how the classic mechanical turn signal flasher works? It's quite simple. A bimetallic strip of metal and a heater act as a switch to provide power to the bulbs of your turn signals, hence these are called "thermal flashers". These thermal flashers can be an efficient and cost-effective way for you to get the job done without having too much trouble.
Electronic Turn Signal Flasher Working
The newer car models have electronic flashers with no moving parts, which gauge the amount of current powering the turn signal bulbs. This data is analyzed by a solid-state timer and transistor to flash on and off accordingly so that drivers can be alerted to their turning signals in action—just like older mechanical units used to do—by an audible clicking noise.
Bad Turn Signal Relay Symptoms
A breakdown in your car's turn signal relay is often attributed to a blown-out bulb or a malfunctioning relay. Isolated signs of these issues usually alert drivers that something might not be right with their vehicle. Common signals include the following:
Turn Signal Relay Do Not Function
The broken flasher is a telltale sign of an unreliable turn signal relay. It can cause your lights to become unresponsive when you press the hazard light button, and while this issue may not necessarily result in major engine problems, it's still hazardous since it impedes your ability to utilize turn signals correctly.
If, instead, you're having issues with really-fast blinking signals, chances are that all you need is a replacement bulb – they're convenient and cheap! However, should neither be the culprits, then there'll be no choice but for you to change out the whole flasher unit if you want those warning indicators back at full strength.
Turn Signal Relay Keep Lighting
One of the telltale signs that your turn signal relay has gone bad is when it remains constantly on without flashing. This means that other drivers won't be able to see when you're turning and can put everyone at risk. Generally speaking, this issue is caused by electrical problems in the vehicle, so it's important to check up on its functioning regularly.
Other Lights Fail To Work
In some vehicles, the turn signal relay can affect multiple lights - not just your turning signals. Headlights, running lights, and brake lights may all be connected to or reliant on your hazards in these cases. Consequently, if you're experiencing issues with any of those components besides just the turning signal indicators themselves, it could also point back to an issue with the relay itself.
How Much Is a Turn Signal Relay?
Purchasing a superior turn signal relay can cost you anywhere between $10-100, depending on the brand and features.
Prices may vary according to your car model as well as rates prevailing in your locality.
Final Thoughts
It's easy to take turn signals for granted, but the truth is that they are an essential part of road safety. So if you ever find yourself in a bind with your vehicle's turn signal relay, never hesitate to get it checked out or replaced at the earliest opportunity.
Fixing your turn signal relay may not be a strenuous task, but if you're feeling uncertain, then it's best to call in an experienced mechanic. Don't overlook any issues related to the turn signal relay - they can endanger both your's and other's lives on the road. 
Furthermore, ignoring problems with this component will likely cost you more money down the line. Taking care of these matters promptly is essential for everyone's safety.
Contact the turn signal flasher manufacturer in Taiwan.
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